Forum Geobotanicum
ISSN: 1867-9315

Instructions for Authors
All manuscripts should be prepared with Microsoft Word and sent to the Editor by e-mail as "attachment" to the electronic address: After a research manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author may be requested to rewrite the article in the journals format (see PDF versions of articles Vol. 1, pp 1-8 or Vol. 2, pp 24-44). A galley proof is provided to author(s) before the article is available for all audiences.
Title Page
It should contain the following information:
a) The full title of the paper without abbreviations. The title should be as brief and informative as possible, specifying clearly the content of the article. If the title (legend) is german, an english subtitle must be added.
b) Full names of all authors indicating the corresponding authors and their full postal and electronic address.
Authors must provide between three and six keywords, which must not be part of the title of the paper.
All abbreviations must be explained when used first in the text.
Preferentially written in either English or German.
Abstract (Zusammenfassung)
An english abstract between 100-400 words is required. Abstracts submitted in German will on request be translated into English by the copy editor. The abstract should contain the principal ideas, methodology, results and important conclusions. Abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract. A reference might be included only if necessary, and mentioning the complete citation. Considering that the abstract will be published separately by international analysis information services, it should contain enough basic information so that the paper could be fully understood by those who do not have access to the full text.
Introduction (Einleitung)
It should be brief and limited to the definition of the problem, the aims and purposes of the research and its relation with other studies in the field.
Methods (Methoden)
It should include relevant details on the design, materials and techniques so that the study can be repeated.
Results (Resultate)
Results should be clearly presented. Tables and figures should only be included if required to fully understand the data.
Discussion (Diskussion)
The aim of this section is the interpretation of the results and their relation to the existing knowledge. The information given in any part of the text may be cited but not repeated in the Discussion Section. Alternatively Results and Discussion can be presented in one section.
Acknowledgements (Danksagung)
The acknowledgments of the contributions of colleagues can be stated in this section. Acknowledgments for financial support must be cited on the corresponding section.
References (Literatur)
a) In the text:
References must be cited in the text mentioning the last name of the author and year between parenthesis. In case of two authors, both should be mentioned. When there are three or more authors, mention only the first author followed by et al. When two or more references are cited in the same parenthesis, the authors should be in chronological order. And if they have the same year, they should be in alphabetical order.
b) In the References section:
At the end of the paper, in the References section the literature should be arranged in alphabetical order. If they have the same author name, they should be in chronological order. They must be presented according to the examples given in the first paper of volume 1.
Tables (Tabellen)
Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. They should have a brief descriptive title placed at the top. If the title (legend) is german, an english subtitle must be added. A short description is also accepted. Footnotes can be included below the table. Tables must be sent in Microsoft Word and have no links to the main document or other archives.
Figures (Abbildungen)
The figures must be numbered with Arabic numerals and have a brief descriptive title (legend). If the title (legend) is german, an english subtitle must be added. If needed a short description is also accepted.
Black and white and colour photographs on smooth and brilliant paper can be submitted.
Special care on the maximum definition of the photographs is required.
Drawings and Graphs
For digital line art, the following software can be used: Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, Corel Draw. Line art is also acceptable in TIFF format at a resolution of 1200 dpi.
Digital Illustrations
Greyscale images should be saved with at least 300 dpi; if text is included, use 600 dpi.
Color images require 300 dpi. For best quality TIFF format is recommended. Illustrations in MS Word format will not be accepted.
Photographs, Drawings, Graphs and Tables
Provide files at 85 mm (single column) or 175 mm width (double column) and up to 210 mm in length allowing enough space for the legend.
Upon acceptance of an article by the journal, authors automatically transfer the copyright to Forum Geobotanicum which is committed to maintain the free electronic access to the current and archived contents of the journal and to administer a policy of fair control and to ensure the widest possible dissemination of the information.
Authors assign Würzburg University as well as the Deutsche Nationalbibibliothek Frankfurt resp. Leipzig and where appropriate, the special subject collections library the right to store the submitted file(s) in electronic form and to make them publicly available in data networks. Authors further assign Würzburg University the right to convert the file(s) for long term preservation purposes (the original archive will persist).
Authors declare that copyright and licensing issues related to their work have been resolved and that therefore no rights on the part of any third parties impede the publication.


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